Trends in Electronics

ons nov 10, 2010 (Axcon)

Silicon Valley’ s Mr. High-Speed: Lee Ritchey kommer til Oslo den 23/11-2010, hvor vi sammen med et par partnere fra den danske del af elektronikbranchen har planlagt et lille fremstød i Norge. Det skal nok blive en spændende “PCB dag”, som allerede har bygget en betragtelig venteliste op.

Nu er der sat titel og lidt tekst på det indlæg Lee holder:

Trends in Electronics
- and how that impacts high speed routing and PCB materials.

By looking at how ICs have changed over the last 10 years and how they are projected to change over the next five, Lee Ritchey describes what this means to digital design at the board level. Specifically focusing on the decrease in CMOS gate dimensions in nanometers and how they change clock speeds, rise times, serial link channel speeds, Vdd and Idd requirements, etc.

First looking at what this means in transmission line management, then what it makes possible in the way of products and performance. This leads to an outline of the design challenges facing design engineers today, such as more precise design of Power Delivery Systems, more precise management of transmission lines and increased need to focus on the materials used to construct PCBs.

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